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Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

This is a long standing and ongoing painful movement disorder of either shoulder. Frozen shoulder has no direct cause, but involves a contracture and loss of compliance of the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint capsule. Most commonly occurs in age groups, anywhere from 40 years old.

Symptoms to look out for;

  • Slow onset pain / stiffness in the shoulder

  • Limited range in the shoulder when reaching overhead

  • Limited range in the shoulder when reaching behind your back

  • Limited range in the shoulder when reaching to the side

  • Grinding or popping sensations when moving the shoulder 

Treatment options depend on the stage that your shoulder is in, there are three stages of frozen shoulder. Ideally in the initial stage of Thawing we can get lots of movement into the shoulder before the freezing stage. Rest assured that no matter the stage of your frozen shoulder; freezing, frozen, thawing, your Edgewater Chiropractor Karli can work with you to improve movement and reduce pain levels. The goal of treatment is to; improve range of movement in the shoulder, middle back, neck and chest whilst also reducing pain levels. 

As this is an ongoing condition, between the three stages, this can last for up to 2 years. Therefore if nothing is done treatment wise, this can last even longer before range of motion and function is gained again.

How we can help;

  • Joint manipulation and mobilisation.  

  • Myofascial release.

  • Therapeutic exercises.

  • Advice and recommendations. 

If you wanted one bit of relief from this blog before coming in for an assessment I would recommend a heat pack on the affected shoulder for 15 minutes (ensuring there is a towel so you don't burn the skin). 

There are other conditions / symptoms that can cause the shoulder to be painful and have limited movement or even increase your chances of developing a frozen shoulder so make sure if you are feeling any of these symptoms to get your shoulder checked by your local Chiropractor, as it could be a visceral referral too!

Book online here

To get in contact with your local Chiropractor in Edgewater, call or text us on 0497 358 214 or email us at

Hope to see you soon at Suite 13, 1 The Gateway, Edgewater, 6027