Form Chiropractic

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How’s your posture?

Your posture whilst sitting, standing, lying and walking can have a big impact on your health, as such a healthy posture is fundamental to the physical health of your body. Poor posture can lead to dysfunctions and imbalances within your bones, muscles, ligaments and nervous system.

Reasons for poor posture

The biggest reason for poor posture is repetitive movements or repetitive activities. This is likely to include sitting at your work desk, not having an ergonomically set up computer / desk. A dominance of one side can also affect posture, do you notice you lean on one leg when waiting for things or lean to one side when driving your car? Also looking down at a smartphone and watching TV is also another common source of poor posture. Poor posture can be caused by injury, stress, lack of muscle tone, inflexibility or bad habits.

How do you know if your posture is bad?

You can probably notice if someone elses posture is bad but have a look in the mirror or get someone to take a photo of the side of your body to see how your posture measures up!

Have a look at my checkpoints and compare them to your photos.

Looking from the side;

  • Is your chin sitting forward of your chest?

  • Are your shoulders rolling forwards?

  • Is your belly tilted forward? 

  • Can you see your lower back arching forwards?

  • Are your knees ahead of your ankles?

Now looking from the front;

  • Does your head tilt to one side?

  • Are your shoulders level?

  • Are your hips level?

  • Are your feet rolling inwards?

How many of those checkpoints did you have to tick? If you ticked any of these boxes and you have issues with your posture, consider getting assessed by our Edgewater Chiropractor Karli.

When should you do something about your posture?

  • If you are getting tension in the same spots whilst exercising, working or sitting. 

  • If you sit for long periods of time.

  • If you have a home set up work from home desk.

  • If you are getting headaches.

  • If you are having shoulder tension, which is relieved when you stretch to open the chest.

  • You feel like you can’t tilt your hips back without tension.

  • You are having knee tension.

  • Your feet roll inwards.

Why Chiropractic adjusting can help:

At Form Chiropractic our chiropractors are likely to assist in improving posture and aiding in better overall spinal health by finding the underlying cause/s of your posture problems. By correcting the root cause of your posture issues, you can begin to heal the body and not constantly have those pains and niggles. Adjusting helps by correcting this root cause, with the use of adjustments of the spine and extremities, stretching of certain areas and strengthening of specific muscles - the back of the neck is a big one when trying to improve posture. Good posture can have an immediate effect on the body, and you’ll begin to look taller!! 

Benefits of chiropractic for someone with poor posture may include;

  • Proper movement of joints.

  • Reduced stress onto surrounding ligaments and muscles.

  • Less risk of injury.

  • Conserving more energy.

  • Improved movement of the body.

Steps we take when assessing you

  1. History taking, to find out about your lifestyle, work, exercise habits and where you are feeling the pain.

  2. Examine your posture, to assess symmetry, uneven shoulders and hips and neck tilts.

  3. Testing flexibility and range of motion. 

  4. Orthopaedic examinations and physical examinations to further test the integrity of your spine / body, including your stance and walking posture.

  5. Treatment of musculoskeletal system and home exercises to help assist with posture.

Chiropractic stretches / lifestyle advice to try:

SCM stretch

Bring the head slightly back, tilt the ear down to the same side as the shoulder and then tilt the chin away from that shoulder. You will feel the stretch in the front of the neck on the side you are looking towards. *If you feel dizzy or lightheaded in the position, stop immediately.

Pec stretch 

Stand in a doorway with your arm bent at 90 degrees and your elbow and hand resting on the wall. Step forwards with the leg closest to the wall and feel a stretch in the front of the shoulder/chest.

Chin tuck

Keeping your eye gaze forwards, tuck your chin back towards your neck and imagine someone is pulling your neck up and lengthening it. Hold this from anywhere between 5-15 seconds.

Pelvic tilt

Lying on your back, place your hand in a diamond shape on your abdomen, thumbs on your belly button and index fingers towards your pubic bone. Imagine there is a marble in between your hands. ‘Move’ the marble down to your index fingers and up to your thumbs 5 times.
So if you are experiencing back pain or any other issues from poor posture and you are wanting to improve your posture contact Form Chiropractic and you can also book an appointment online. Bring us any questions you have about how chiropractic can help with your posture and other health issues you may be facing.

If this is something you are wanting to get help with, our Chiropractor would love to help!

Book online here or call/text us any questions you have!

We hope to see you soon!

13/1 The Gateway, Edgewater, 6027