Chiropractic and your little ones

Why would my baby need to see a Chiropractor?

To help settle their baby, many families are now considering chiropractic care for their newborns. It’s often the case that the use of vacuum or forceps, a difficult delivery or the position the baby is in-utero (inside the womb) can cause problems. These can show up as tension or dysfunction of the spine and nervous system which can present in several ways, which our Chiropractor may be likely to help.

Our Chiropractic care for your baby

The following symptoms may indicate that it is likely your baby may have a problem that could be assisted through a chiropractor’s care:

  • Poor sleeping

  • Turning the head to one side only

  • Breastfeeding difficulties

  • A preference for one breast

  • Only rolling to one side

  • Difficulty changing baby

  • Problems getting little arms into sleeves

  • Crying when legs are lifted to change a nappy

  • Tummy pains

  • Discomfort while travelling in the car seat

  • Doesn’t like tummy time

  • Flat head

  • Bum shuffler or commando crawler

  • Reflux

  • Pre or post tongue tie revision care

How will a Chiropractor treat my baby?

Care is tailored to each baby and Dr Karli delivers safe and effective chiropractic care for babies using a gentle technique. After examining your baby’s history, Dr Karli will advise if chiropractic care could be an effective option. Alternatively, she will refer your baby to other health professionals.

Below are some blogs for you to learn more about what we can help with