TIPS on how to laying down safely and comfortably whilst pregnant.

Watch as Dr Karli from FORM Chiropractic offers some tips for our pregnant mums to be, on how to get to your back and up off a bed/couch/treating table.

Our Edgewater Chiropractors love treating and assessing pregnant mums, no matter which trimester you are currently in. We offer safe, gentle and effective pregnancy techniques to help mum and baby grow comfortably. We also have 2 different sizes of pregnancy pillows, while allow mum-to-be to lay on her stomach comfortably and safely.

If you are wanting to start some Chiropractic care or haven’t had a adjustment in a while, book in online or contact us directly

Text or call: 0497 358 214


Find us at: Suite 13, 1 The Gateway, Edgewater, 6027. Located INSIDE West Coast Occupational Therapy


Do you getting pregnancy related hip pain or tightness?


Round Ligament Pains